Metro K9 Academy: German Shepherds & Dobermans for Sale in New Jersey
Experienced and Knowledgeable
We are a family owned & operated business located in Randolph NJ. Owner and Head trainer Robert Gierla is a well known and respected business man and dog trainer world wide. Robert has an extended education in dog training by continuously attending seminars looking for new and better techniques in the K9 field. He has been educated many years in K9 psychology and has worked with some of the worlds leading authorities in dog training.
German Shepherd Training Techniques
Our goal is to help you have a healthy, happy relationship with your dog as well as make your dog an enjoyable and respected member of your family. We offer private classes to train both you and your canine companion and we are dedicated to your satisfaction. We use the latest most proven training techniques and personalize our methods and programs to you and your pets individual needs.
Is Your Dog a Good Citizen?
Metro K9 Academy offers Canine Good Citizen testing to the community at large on a regular basis. We also offer the Puppy S.T.A.R. distinction, similar to the Canine Good Citizen Test, but reserved for puppies. Click Here to find out more on our CGC and S.T.A.R. testing.